School Mold Remediation
Keep your school environment safe and healthy with our specialized mold remediation services.
Quality mold treatment at a price you can afford. Our goal is to effectively treat Philadelphia homes and commercial buildings at a low cost to make happier, healthier communities.
Hey, I'm Quamire. I started this mold remediation business after being mentored by one of the best in the business with decades of experience in treating Philadelphia homes. After years of soaking up the crucial protocols for mold treatment, I realized my lifelong friend and I could do this at a cheaper cost for the customers, and really help communities around Philadelphia.
~ Quamire Wright, founder of Top Shelf Mold Removal
We'll cut out and dispose of the mold, spray with the top mold killing treatment, and take extra step needed, so it doesn't come back. All with a free 5-year warranty guarantee.